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Develop Your Strategy

We help clients develop winning strategies when faced with challenges and uncertainty.

  • Platform Markets. We help platform sponsors, technology providers, content developers, and users, anticipate network effects and competitive dynamics ... and then profit from them.
  • Product Development. Whether development is internal at a single site or outsourced globally, we can help you accelerate timelines, improve quality, reduce costs, and prevent risks.
  • Portfolio Management. We can help you rationalize and price your product and service offering in order to cut costs and drive revenues. 
  • Supply Chain Networks. Based on the current and future demand for your products, we can help you optimize your network of suppliers, manufacturing facilities, and distribution and configuration locations.

Contact us to learn about our Strategy Development offering.

Align Your Team

Even the best strategy requires an aligned organization for implementation and execution.

  • Workshop Facilitation. Sometimes you need more than a staff meeting to resolve an issue. We help you prepare and deliver a workshop or offsite that moves your organization forward. And then we follow-up to help ensure that the change sticks. 
  • Keynote Speaking. For groups large and small, we deliver informational and interactive talks that engage and inspire.  
  • Executive Education. Whether you want to implant new capabilities, deepen skills, or establish a common foundation, we offer both standard and customized executive education courses.  
  • Teaching Simulations. If you want to implement change across your company, experiential learning simulations can help your employees internalize the need for change and give them the insights on how to do it. For example, if you're implementing an outsourcing and offshoring strategy, you might consider our Outsourcing Game.

Contact us to learn about our Organizational Alignment offering.



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